In order to improve professionalism and enhance the ability of the facilitator in each of the Red Cross Youth - each school, the Indonesian Red Cross Sidoarjo hold First Aid Training for facilitators of the Red Cross Youth, and Labor's Voluntary Corps Volunteers in the Indonesian Red Cross Sidoarjo. This event was held on 8,9,22,23,30 and 31 January 2011, held at the Indonesian Red Cross Hall of Sidoarjo district and was officially opened by the secretary as well as Head of the Indonesian Red Cross Headquarters Mr. Drs. H. Aunur Rofiq. In his speech, he ordered that during the ongoing activities of the participants are expected to absorb all the material well and practice with it - really so later when it became a facilitator at the school is able to provide examples of good and perfect recall with First Aid knowledge is universal, which means every time and every time changes follow the development of medicine and medical. Mr. message. secretary is very reasonable because the training is aimed to disseminate surgical revision and a new first aid book, so there is a common vision and mission attitude in giving first aid.
On the first day of training on 8 and 9 January 2011, the facilitator is material. Mr. Subchan and Mr. Arif, he alone is the facilitator of the Indonesian Red Cross and Banyuwangi regency of Sidoarjo has graduated following the Trainer Training First Aid Training Center of the Red Cross in the Indonesian province of East Java. The training material in the first meeting was the introduction of First Aid, Anatomy and Physiology, Assessment of patient, BHD and CPR, bleeding and shock.
While the material in the second meeting on 22 and 24 January 2011 is the soft tissue injury, skeletal muscle systems Injury, Head Injury, Neck, Spine and Dada, Burn, transfer of patients. This material is presented by Mr. Subchan and Mr. Fajar from the Indonesian Red Cross district of Jombang.
For the material at the last meeting on 29 and January 30, 2011 is a medical emergency, Triage and first aid simulation. Hopefully this event run smoothly without a hitch, which means, well done and all the participants PASS with a perfect score and satisfying without a conditional pass. (HamDut volunteer Sidoarjo).
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