Friday, April 30, 2010

Diabetes, Sugar Honey's Disease

The number of people with diabetes in Indonesia according to WHO data in the year 2009 reached 8 million people and is predicted to increase to more than 21 million people in 2025. That's what makes Indonesia ranks four countries with the highest number of diabetics in the world. Survey on diabetes in Jakarta showed that one of eight people diabetic. Both men and women, young and old, live in towns and villages, have the same risk of diabetes. What is diabetes? How symptoms of diabetes? What are the dangers of diabetes so it is often nicknamed the "Silent Killer" or "the Silent Killer"? Can diabetes be cured?

Diabetes Mellitus
Full name diabetes is diabetes mellitus which means "sugar honey." The term "diabetes mellitus" comes from the Greek which, when translated means "flowing through the pipe to atmospheric pressure" and the Latin language which can be translated as "sweet as honey".

Understanding of Greek and Latin diabetes describing precisely. Because the water past the body of diabetic patients as if poured from the mouth through the urinary tract and directly out of the body. Diabetisi urine (diabetes), it was sweet because it contains sugar. First, one tests for diabetes is to pour into the patient's urine near an ant nest. If the insects that infest the urine, this indicates the existence of sugar. That is why diabetes is often referred to as diabetes.
What is Diabetes?
Every food we eat is converted into energy by the body. In the stomach and intestines, food elaborated into several basic elements, including one type of sugar, namely glucose. If there is sugar, the pancreas produces insulin, which helps drain the sugar into body cells. Then, the sugar can be absorbed well in the body and burned to produce energy.

When a person has diabetes, the pancreas that person can not produce enough insulin to absorb sugar obtained from food. That which causes blood sugar levels are high due to heaps of sugar from food that can not be absorbed well and burned into energy. Other causes are defective insulin or the body can not utilize insulin properly.
Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas, an organ next to the stomach. This hormone attaches itself to receptors on the cell wall. Insulin receptors on duty to open the cell wall so glucose enters the cell. Then these cells convert glucose into energy the body needs to do activities. In other words, insulin helps deliver sugar into cells so that transformed into energy. If the amount of insulin is not enough, it happened hoarding sugar in the blood causing diabetes.

The cause of diabetes or diabetes, depending on the type of diabetes who suffer. There are two common types of diabetes and suffered a lot of people are diabetes type 1 and type 2 diabetes. The difference is that if type 1 diabetes because of pancreatic organ function can not produce insulin, while type 2 diabetes because the problem is less the amount of insulin because the pancreas can not function properly.
Type 1 Diabetes
Type 1 diabetes is often called Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus or a Dependent Diabetes Mellitus on Insulin. Thus type 1 diabetes associated with pancreatic inability to make insulin. So this type of diabetes associated with damage or malfunctioning of the pancreas to produce insulin.

Patients with type 1 diabetes mostly occurs in people under the age of 30 years. That is why the disease is often called diabetes in children because the sufferer is more common in children and adolescents. In type 1 diabetes, the pancreas can not produce enough insulin because the body's immune system disorder that destroys cells that produce insulin, or because of a virus infection so that the hormone insulin in the body decreases and the resulting accumulation of sugar in the bloodstream.

Causes of Type 1 Diabetes

In type 1 diabetes, the pancreas can not produce enough insulin. Because of the lack of insulin causes the glucose stays in the bloodstream and can not be used as energy. Some causes of the pancreas can not produce enough insulin in type 1 diabetics, among other reasons:
• descent or genetic factors. If one or both parents suffer from diabetes, then the children are at risk of diabetes.
• the body's autoimmune allergic to one type of cell or tissue itself-in this case, which exist in the pancreas. The body loses the ability to form insulin because the immune system destroys cells that produce insulin.
• Viruses or chemical substances that cause damage to the island of cells (cell groups) in the pancreas where insulin is made. More and more islands of damaged cells, the greater the likelihood of someone suffering from diabetes.

Type 1 Diabetes Treatment
Because the pancreas produces insulin difficulties, then the insulin must be added each day. Generally by way of injection of insulin. Is it possible with oral care? You can not, because insulin can be destroyed in the stomach when inserted through the mouth.
Another way is to improve the work function of the pancreas. If the pancreas can again function normally, the pancreas can meet the needs of insulin the body needs.
Type 2 Diabetes
Type 2 diabetes often also called Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus, or Diabetes Mellitus Without Insulin Dependent on. Unlike type 1 diabetes, type 2 problem is not because the pancreas does not make insulin because the insulin is made but not enough. Most of the inhaled insulin produced by fat cells due to lifestyle and eating habits are not good. While the pancreas can not make enough insulin to overcome insulin deficiency so that blood sugar levels will rise.
Type 2 diabetes is a type of diabetes that affects the majority. Approximately 90% to 95% of diabetics suffer from type 2 diabetes. Type of diabetes is most commonly suffered by adults over the age of 30 years and tends to get worse gradually.
Causes of Type 2 Diabetes
The cause of type 2 diabetes because the insulin produced by the pancreas is not sufficient to bind the sugar in the blood caused by diet or an unhealthy lifestyle. Some of the main causes of type 2 diabetes can be summarized as follows:
• Factor descent, if the parents or any siblings who experience it.
• A diet or an unhealthy lifestyle. Number of fast food outlets (fast food), which presents the fatty foods and unhealthy.
• high cholesterol levels.
• Rarely exercise.
• Obesity or being overweight.
All causes of type 2 diabetes is generally due to unhealthy lifestyles. This makes the metabolism in the body is not perfect, so make insulin in the body can not function properly. The hormone insulin can be absorbed by fat in the body. Thus diet and unhealthy living light can make the body lacks insulin.

Type 2 Diabetes Treatment
Type 2 diabetes treatment is the work function by forcing the pancreas so it can produce more insulin. If the pancreas can produce insulin needed by the body, the blood sugar levels would decrease due to be changed into energy. In many cases, can be treated with pills, at least initially, to stimulate the pancreas to produce more insulin. The pill itself is not insulin.
However tired the pancreas can produce insulin if constantly forced. The best way to deal with diabetes type 2 is with a good diet to lose weight and sugar levels, accompanied by appropriate calisthenics.
Diabetes Symptoms

Because of the lack of insulin and has a high sugar content in blood, then some of the symptoms that are common to both type 1 diabetes or type 2. If you experience some of these symptoms, you'll want to check to determine blood sugar levels. In general, several symptoms that occur include:
• Frequent urination
• Often feel very thirsty
• Often hungry because they do not have enough energy so the body's hunger signals
• Weight loss despite a sudden there is no attempt to lose weight. This is because when the body can not distribute sugar into the cells, the body burn fat and protein alone to get energy.
• Frequent tingling in the feet or hands.
• Experiencing problems like itchy skin or ulcers.
• If injured, take longer to be cured.
• Changes in behavior such as irritability. The causes for type 1 diabetics often awoke at night to urinate and could not sleep soundly.
• Easy to feel tired.
Are You Affected Diabetes?
Although these symptoms can indicate a person has had diabetes, but the best way to determine whether you have diabetes or not is to do the checking. What can be done to see if you have diabetes? Here are some alternatives that you can do either personally or in clinical tests.

How much sugar levels are normal?
Sugar levels after fasting:
Normal: below 100 mg / dl
Prediabetes: 100-126 mg / dl
Diabetes: above 126 mg / dl

Sugar levels two hours after eating:
Normal: below 140 mg / dl
Prediabetes: 140-200 mg / dl
Diabetes: above 200 mg / dl

Blood Tests
Usually done in the laboratory, which is tested when fasting and postprandial blood. Before conducting the test, you must fast for 12 hours. Normal glucose levels during fasting is below 100 mg / dl. After that, blood sampling will be carried back two hours after eating, when the results above 140 mg / dL may mean you have diabetes.
Urine tests
Urine or urine checked for albumin, sugar and determines the mikroalbuminurea to whether a person suffering from this disease or not. This test was also conducted in the laboratory or clinic.

This test can be done independently at home if you have the appliance. The trick is to put a needle on a finger to take blood samples. Then, blood samples were placed into the gap which is available on the machine glukometer. The result is not too accurately, but can be used to monitor the sugar for people with no indication of sugar so that if the height can be checked in the lab and call the doctor. Recent glukometer tools have been designed so easy to use and does not cause pain when taking a blood sample.
Diabetes Danger
Here are some serious dangers caused by diabetes.
• Long-Term Complications
Diabetes can cause long-term complications such as heart attacks, strokes, blindness due to glaucoma, kidney disease, and wounds can not heal until the infection and had to be amputated. Extent even the most terrible was death. These complications caused by blood vessel damage, nerve damage, and the inability of the body against infection. However, not all diabetic patients experience long-term problems of this.
• Hypoglycemia
Although it is not good when a high sugar content, but a patient with diabetes mellitus or diabetes may also be a sudden onset of very low blood sugar below the normal threshold is called hypoglycemia. It's also very dangerous because it can make sufferers shaky, sweaty, tired, hungry, irritable, or confused or fast heartbeat, blurred vision, headache, body numbness, or tingling around the mouth and lips. Even be the seizure or fainting. Often times, proper diet and regular meals can help prevent problems that. Consume glucose, such as fruit juice or glucose tablets, can raise blood sugar levels back to a safer level to other foods can be consumed.
• ketoacidosis
If glucose can not be processed properly by the body, fat and protein in the body to be utilized by the body's energy. But when the body burns fat, forming a residue called ketones. Ketones accumulate in the blood and flows into the urine. Because ketones are more acidic than healthy tissue, high levels of ketones in the blood can cause a serious condition called ketoacidosis. The early symptoms of diabetic ketoacidosis is thirst and frequent urination, nausea, vomiting, fatigue and abdominal pain (especially in children). Respiration becomes deep and rapid because the body attempts to repair the blood acidity. Patient breath smells like the smell of acetone. Diabetic ketoacidosis could develop into a coma, sometimes within just a few hours.
Prevent and Control Diabetes
Given the dangers and complications that can result from diabetes, then avoid or control high blood sugar levels is the best way. How?
• Lose weight. Fat in the body can absorb insulin.
• Avoid fatty foods, preserved or fried. Instead, choose foods high in carbohydrate and glucose complex.
• Reduce or sweet foods which contain lots of high calorie glucose.
• Drink plenty of water.
• Exercise regularly.
• Avoid stress.
• Avoid alcohol or softdrink.
• Avoid smoking. Diabetics who smoke are even more risky, because of their habit heart and circulatory system damage, and narrowing of blood vessels. A reference stating that 95 percent of diabetes-related amputations performed on smokers.
• Take medicine the doctor ordered to lower blood glucose.
• For patients with type 1 diabetes, regular insulin should be given through insulin therapy.
Cure diabetes did not exist, but by controlling blood sugar, one can avoid the dangers of this disease. Changing diet and lifestyle for the better and more healthy to be started. People who suspect that he was suffering from diabetes should see a doctor who has experience in the prevention and treatment of diabetes.

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