Sunday, July 25, 2010

Safer Access

At the time of the conflict, their vulnerability to become victims for giving aid is a difficult thing avoided. Every moment can contribute aid to victims of conflict. For example, taken hostage or imprisoned, hit by bullets, mortar weapon to accidentally and killed. Giving assistance to victims, will certainly affect the smooth arrive assistance for the needy. For that, at the time of conflict or war occurs, the donor must pay attention to exactly how he could survive and avoid the consequences which can also be made a victim. 

How to obtain safety and how safety measures that must be done by giving assistance in conflict situations it is called with safer access. In essence it can be concluded that the framework is safer access was arranged so that aid can have better access to conflict-affected populations and can WORK MORE SECURE in conflict situations. The framework consists of guidelines for organizations and individuals to be more secure working in conflict situations.

There are three things that become the framework are:
1. Security assistance (for example, INDONESIAN RED CROSS) in conflict
In general, security measures have been prepared for: to prevent incidents, reduce risk and limit damage. That is, if the incident can not be avoided (for example, captured by one of the warring groups), at least, we should seek to ensure that the incident can apply the right to be spared the risk further. Including, of course, limits further damage to vehicles or buildings (especially those used in humanitarian operations) exist. 

A key part of how it can apply appropriate, previous course must be understood and to understand how conflict situations. Aid providers must know the map of conflict and map the existing situation or location. For example, knowing who's conflicted, where the locations of the base defense and local open conflict occurs, whereby the location of refugees, knowing the path or access point a safe area and so forth.

2. Basic Law and Policy Movement
Suppose that provide assistance during times of conflict is the INDONESIAN RED CROSS, the INDONESIAN RED CROSS members in addition to knowing the types of conflicts will need to know also, what the legal basis used by INDONESIAN RED CROSS to act in conflict situations. In addition, understanding the rights, obligations and limitations of INDONESIAN RED CROSS at the time of conflict and other rules associated with the position as a member of INDONESIAN RED CROSS in conflict situations also become a thing that must be known. In addition, of course, the relevance of the application of international law and international basis for the provision of assistance is the inherent knowledge base.

International Legal Basis include:
A. Geneva Convention (1949)
I. Protect members of the armed forces who are wounded and sick in the battle on land
II. Members of the armed forces who protect wounded, sick and suffered shipwreck in the battle at sea
III. Protect prisoners of war
IV. Protecting civilians

B. Additional Protocol (1977)
I. Protocol I:
Strengthen the protection to victims of international armed conflict
II. Protocol II:
Strengthen the protection to victims of non-international armed conflicts
III. Protocol III (2005)
Seal of approval and recognition as the Red Crystal symbol in the fourth movement

National Legal Basis include:
I. Act No. 59 of 1958 - the participation of the RI in the Geneva Conventions on August 12, 1949
II. RI President Decree No. 25 year 1950 - the National Association of endorsement and recognition of the Indonesian Red Cross
III. RI Presidential Decree No. 246 year 1963 - basic tasks and activities of INDONESIAN RED CROSS
IV. AD / ART Indonesian Red Cross
V. Line-Line Indonesian Red Cross Policies
VI. Red Cross Disaster Emergency Response SOP

3. Seven Pillars
Is a "guide / reference effective for creating awareness among aid personnel at all levels about the important things to consider when going to provide protection and assistance for victims of conflict." The seven pillars include:
a. Acceptance of the Organization
Aid organization we have to 'acceptable' by the environment in which humanitarian operations are made.
b. Acceptance of the Individual and Personal Behavior
Personal behavior can affect the acceptance of individuals and also affect the acceptance of the organization.
c. Identification
Identification that we become members of the organization must always be attached.
d. Internal Communications
Internal information must flow quickly and accurately. Quickly the information can anticipate undesired event. It is important to make plans.
e. External Communications
Communication or information with outside parties openly without limit movement could endanger our security, because it can be misused for propaganda or can result in images that the Movement is an impartial organization. To that end, individual donors can not tell or express anything other than just 'what' and not 'what is felt, seen, heard,' and so forth.
f. Security Rules
Rules must be signed by each member, Having a system to ensure effective regulation and that regulation should always be updated in accordance with developments in the situation.
g. Protection Measures
Choosing active or passive protection measures, or combination thereof, and the existence of insurance coverage.

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